The Kiyama Circle

- The Kiyama Circle (the “Circle”) should be comprised of 3-7 individuals who have made a commitment to embrace the Kiyama Principles.
- The primary purpose of the circle is to assist the individual in striving for both self and collective improvement. Individuals who have not committed to the goal of self-improvement should be prohibited from becoming a member of any Kiyama Circle.
- Given the purpose mentioned above, it is strongly advised that the members of a given circle have an existing bond of friendship/solidarity founded on mutual trust and respect which invites constructive criticism and honest dialogue.
- It is also advised that when creating or expanding a circle, members seek out individuals who have demonstrated a propensity for making good decisions within one’s personal life. Having good decision makers within one’s circle will go a long way in helping other members attain the goals of self and collective improvement.
- There is no hierarchy or governing structure within the circle. The circle operates under the premise that each individual within its core will at some point be in need of guidance while in pursuit of self-improvement.
- The circle does not require formal meetings or assemblies. As stated previously, the purpose of the circle is to assist its members in the pursuit of self and collective improvement.
- Members of a given circle are of course encouraged to host events or participate in activities that are consistent with the goals of the Kiyama Movement.
- Those individuals within a given circle who (for whatever reason) fall short of their commitment must be challenged to recommit or as a last alternative be removed by a consensus of the other members of the circle.
- Each member of a given circle must take The Kiyama Pledge. This can be done individually, as a unit or as part of a larger gathering of individuals.
- Members of a given circle may commit to serving as members of other circles as long as the individual can contribute equally to each circle. When an individual belongs to two or more circles it creates “interlocking” circles.
- While Kiyama places an emphasis on the development of the black male, females may be part of a circle.
- Females may also create their own circle
- Every member of a circle must create his/her own CABINET.