Below is a list of characteristics pertaining to “LEADERSHIP.” Please feel free to rate/examine your (or someone else’s) strengths and weaknesses as a leader.  The results will only be viewed by you.  The test is optional. You are NOT required to answer any question. However, if you choose to take the test you must answer EACH QUESTION.

1. Appreciation and knowledge of Black History

One should have an acceptable understanding/knowledge and appreciation of Black History.

On a scale of 1 (Weak) – 10 (Strong) how would you rate your personal knowledge (or another’s) of and appreciation for Black History.


2. Appreciation of Organization

One should have a healthy respect and appreciation for organization and the power derived from marshaling economic, political and social resources in a methodical fashion.

On a scale of 1 (Weak) – 10 (Strong) how would you rate yourself or another’s ability as an organizer.


3. Challenge the status quo

If necessary one should be willing to challenge the status quo and particularly those who uphold the status quo.

On a scale of 1 (Weak) – 10 (Strong) how would you rate yourself or another’s willingness to challenge the status quo.


4. Collective Leadership

One should have a healthy respect and appreciation for collective leadership. No one person has all the answers. Any organization/movement that fails to place a significant value on the importance of collective leadership is destined to fail.

On a scale of 1 (Weak) – 10 (Strong) how would you rate yourself or another’s appreciation for collective leadership.


5. Common Thread Doctrine

See Step 1 of Kiyama Movement 5 Steps.

On a scale of 1 (Weak) -10 (Strong) how would you rate yourself or another’s appreciation for the “Common Thread” doctrine.


6. Courage

See Step 1 of Kiyama Movements 5 Steps. Leadership requires one to have the capacity to arrest his/her fears (when necessary) in the course of pursuing a given mission.

On a scale of 1 (Weak) – 10 (Strong) how would you rate yourself or another’s overall level of courage.


7. Global

Global Having a global perspective and/or appreciation/understanding for global issues is essential for any individual who seeks to lead Black people.

On a scale of 1 (Weak) – 10 (Strong) how would you rate yourself or another’s appreciation for global issues.



8. Independent Thinker

Malcolm X warned us that if we were not careful our enemies will have us “walking east when we think we’re walking west.” He said “they’ll have us loving our enemies and hating our friends.” To be an independent thinker is to think critically/analytically.  Becoming an independent thinker demands the individual to routinely challenge information that is presented so that one’s conclusion is based on the methodical interpretation of the facts. Utilizing this analytical process makes one far less susceptible to being duped by a candidate for political office or the information disseminated by the corporate owned electronic and print media.  (See Black Men Vote Too!)

On a scale of 1 (Weak) – 10 (Strong) how would you rate yourself or another’s as an independent thinker.


9. Informed

Any individual who seeks to lead must remain atop current events and must possess an insatiable appetite for knowledge and information.

On a scale of 1 (Weak) – 10 (Strong) how would you rate yourself or another as an informed individual.


10. Integrity

Any individual who seeks to lead must be trustworthy and reliable.

On a scale of 1 (Weak) – 10 (Strong) how would you rate yourself or another as a person of integrity.


11. Intelligent

Those lacking in intelligence should be barred from seeking leadership in any movement/organization. The reason should be obvious.

On a scale of 1 (Weak) – 10 (Strong) how would you rate yourself or another’s intellect.


12. Love for Black People

Any individual who seeks to lead Black people must have an undeniable love for Black people. Such love should not only be expressed verbally but demonstrated via one’s history.

On a scale of 1 (Weak) – 10 (Strong) how would you rate yourself or another’s love for Black people.


13. Nobility

Any individual who seeks to lead must be willing to rise above pettiness, possess a sense of goodness/decency and must always strive to maintain a dignified presence.

On a scale of 1 (Weak) – 10 (Strong) how would you rate yourself or another’s nobility as an individual.


14. Principled

Any individual who seeks to lead must be ethically and morally fit. Additionally, one should never be willing to sacrifice his/her principles on the alter of expediency.

On a scale of 1 (Weak) – 10 (Strong) how would you rate your or another’s ethical/moral code?


15. Progressive

Any individual who seeks to lead must be broadminded, enlightened and opposed to reactionary views and concepts.

On a scale of 1 (Weak) – 10 (Strong) how would you rate your or another’s progressiveness as an individual.


16. Reader

Any individual who seeks to lead must be an avid reader and must possess an insatiable appetite for knowledge and information.

On a scale of 1 (Weak) – 10 (Strong) how would you rate your or another’s passion for reading books.


17. Recognize the permanence of racism

See Step 2 of Kiyama Movements 5 Steps

On a scale of 1 (Weak) – 10 (Strong) how would you rate your or another’s acceptance of the permanence of racism in American society.


18. Sacrifice

Any individual who seeks to lead must recognize the necessity of sacrifice. Thus one must be willing to make sacrifices as a price of leadership.

On a scale of 1 (Weak) – 10 (Strong) how would you rate your or another’s willingness to sacrifice as a leader of black people.


19. Understand the Socialization process of blacks and whites in American society.


On a scale of 1 (Weak) – 10 (Strong) how would you rate your or another’s understanding of the socialization process of blacks and whites in American society.


20. Vision

Any individual who seeks to lead must recognize the importance of possessing or developing a sound vision that is consistent with the hopes and aspirations of the broader Black community.

On a scale of 1 (Weak) – 10 (Strong) how would you rate your or another’s appreciation for the abovementioned statement regarding vision.